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My Journey

I was born in 1984, in Medan, one of the city in North Sumatera, Indonesia.
Born with special privilege, sometimes make me was treated differently from others. I will not tell you what is my privilege, so you can't get it from me. 

My parents were a business person ^^, my father worked with my grandfather in their family candy company (I ate so many candies when a child, fortunately, my teeth are strong enough). My mother sold Chinese ramen (we call it Mie Pansit) with dumpling (usually filled with chopped pork). They are very busy every day. My mother had to wake up early morning (about 3-4 AM) to prepare every ingredient for the ramen and my Father was usually worked until late.

When my school holidays, I usually helped both of my parents in their job. I could help my mother pack the ramen in the morning, sometimes helped my father cut or pack candies in their factory. That was very interesting experiences I got. 

During my school, my parents are very rare come to school. As I remembered, It was not more than 10 times they visited the school. That is why all my brother and sisters are very independent in our childhood.

I started my university in 2002. I found a job 1 month after my senior high school graduation. My first job was shoe warehouse admin officer. My job was to make sure the stock of the shoe were correct by size, color, brands, and type. I worked there for about 7 months and many things were learned during this short period. The next job was a debt collector in PVC pipe company. Every day, there are 10 until 20 shops that need to be visited for collecting their debt. The shops were distributed around Medan. The farthest city I reached by motorcycle was Kuala, the small city in Langkat District, North Sumatera. It is about 1.5 hours from Medan. Approximately for 3 years, I traveled around every part of Medan that makes me more familiar with Medan.

I got scholarships for few times during my study in one of the best IT university in Medan - STMIK Mikroskil -, that made me known by some lecturers. I am also brave myself to take a project when my second year in university. At last year of my study, I resign from my job and start my freelance job. I have so many things to do and do many things to make sure I have something to pay my monthly expenses ^^. 

After graduate from university in 2006, I continue my freelance job until 2008 and moved to Tebing Tinggi (2 hours from Medan, one of the cities in North Sumatera) to work in a School for about 2 years, my last position was School Coordinator that responsible to manage the School operation both academic and management.

In 2010, I was recruited as Head of Informatics Management Study Program, this is diploma degree study program provided by STMIK Mikroskil. The first challenge I got was to update the curriculum and then prepare for the accreditation.

In 2013, I was moved as Head of General Affairs and Finance until today. I manage so many things from logistics, human resources, general administration, finance, cleaning services, security, and building management. It is a busy department that we must face so many things every day. 

after 5 years, this department still growing, we are managing to upgrade part of our building as well as manage the building run well. Now we are trying to implement a Task Management application to maintain our task daily. I will share it in next article.

at last, this is my longest article written in English ^^, I want to let you know that I enjoyed all parts and role in my life, they give me so many things. They help me to grow my inner motivation to face all challenges come to me and develop my creativity as well.

I am very blessed to be given these gifts, 
That is not about what you can do, but what you want to do.


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